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Greyhouse rentals

The perfect mix of city and country can be found in Abilene, TX.  Throughout town you can visit the park, zoo, mall or colleges. 

Our properties.

- We specialize in family homes with multiple bedrooms

- Space for your family to spend time together

- Top class amenities to enjoy while relaxing

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Here you can add any other content, e.g. a review badge, a "special offer" text or a photo of your rental. Add content by clicking the "Add new widget" button on top of this page.

We recommend displaying badges on your homepage that help to build your credibility and trust, for example:

- A badge or certification from a leading review site (e.g. Airbnb,
- A badge certifying your property from an official body
- A testimonial or guestbook entry from a previous guest
- A badge highlighting your membership to an association (e.g. VRMA)